Church services in December

Benefice of West Wycombe, Bledlow Ridge, Radnage and Bradenham

Advent & Christmas Services 2020

We are proposing to have the following services in December though, of course, they are subject to change in the light of government requirements.

6th Dec 9:30am Eucharist St Mary’s, Radnage
13thDec 9:30am Eucharist St Paul’s, Bledlow Ridge
20th Dec 9:30am Eucharist St Paul’s, West Wycombe
14th-24th Dec Family Nativity Event concluding with a short family service on Zoom at 3pm on Christmas Eve Details will be available from Facebook, village notice boards & parish mailings
Christmas Eve 6:15pm Christmas Service on Zoom, ending at 7pm with an invitation to go outside and sing a verse of Silent Night Joining details will be available from parish mailings
Christmas Eve 11:30pm Midnight Eucharist CANCELLED St Botolph’s, Bradenham
Christmas Day 10:00am Christmas Eucharist CANCELLED St Paul’s, Bledlow Ridge


2020-12 Church services notice

Church services in October – Booking instructions…

Church Sunday Services in October 2020
4th Oct 9.30am Eucharist St Mary’s, Radnage
11th Oct 9.30am Eucharist St Paul’s, West Wycombe
18th Oct 9.30am Eucharist St Paul’s, Bledlow Ridge
25th Oct 9.30am Eucharist St Botolph’s, Bradenham
These will be short services of said communion.

Welcome back but …
… you must book, details below.

Things need to be a little different for a while …
As most of our churches are not large, you must pre-book for the date(s) you wish to attend.
This will enable numbers to be kept within social distancing requirements.
When booking please provide contact details for test and trace purposes.
This will also enable you to be notified if, for any reason, a service needs to be cancelled.
Current government guidance is that all attendees should wear a face mask.
2m social distancing (for those not in the same household) will need to be observed.
We also ask that people leave the church promptly after the service.
To book your place:
T: 01494 483311

Church open for Private Prayer

CORONAVIRUS: St Mary’s is now open for private prayer

On 24th March 2020 the Archbishops of Canterbury and York wrote to Anglican churches regarding the Coronavirus:

The archbishops and bishops of the Church of England have written collectively to clergy, through their dioceses, urging them now to close all church buildings – other than where they are needed to keep a foodbank running, but even then under strict limits.

“ Public worship will have to stop for a season. Our usual pattern of Sunday services and other mid-week gatherings must be put on hold. But this does not mean that the Church of England has shut up shop.”

This means that until further notice there will be no Sunday services in the West Wycombe benefice – at St Paul’s, West Wycombe, St Paul’s, Bledlow Ridge, St Botolph’s, Bradenham and St Mary the Virgin, Radnage.

However, following the recent Government announcement regarding the opening of places of worship for private prayer, St Mary’s Church, Radnage, will be open for private prayer daily during daylight hours from 15th June onwards.
Please follow guidance notes and instructions in or around the church regarding use of hand sanitisers and maintaining social distancing.

Please follow guidance notes and instructions in or around the church regarding use of hand sanitisers and maintaining social distancing.

There will be no church weddings until further notice; funerals will not take place inside church buildings and the only baptisms will be emergency baptisms in a hospital or home.

“These are unprecedented times,” the bishops write.

You can read more on A Church Near You website:

If you have a wedding or baptism planned our clergy will contact you.