Church services for January

Each Sunday there is a service in one of the four parishes in the benefice. The service in St Mary’s is usually on the first Sunday beginning at 10am.

Services around the benefice for January

5 Jan
10.00am Eucharist St Mary’s, Radnage  
12 Jan
10.30am Eucharist St Paul’s, West Wycombe  
19 Jan
10.00am Eucharist St Paul’s, Bledlow Ridge  
26 Jan
11.00am Eucharist  St Botolph’s, Bradenham  

Christmas services in Radnage

24th December: Christmas Eve

3pm – Crib Service (Limited numbers – booking required*). We are hoping this service will also be broadcast on Zoom if the connectivity arrives in time! More details asap.

7pm – Carol Service (Limited numbers – booking required*). Please park in the field and bring a torch!

* Book your seats by telephoning 01494 261744, or emailing:

25th December: Christmas morning

9:30am Christmas Eucharist

There are other services around the benefice on 23rd, 24th and 25th December – see A Church Year You website: and search for Radnage


Benefice Services on Sunday 27th June

Eucharist service Sunday 27th June at 11am at St Botolph’s, Bradenham

Please book a place in advance by telephoning 01494 261744 (answerphone service) or emailing

Church at Home this coming Sunday 27th June at 9:30am

Here is the Zoom link you will need to join us – looking forward to seeing you!

Meeting ID: 244 960 5630

Passcode: 12345

Some tips for joining via Zoom:

  • You will be ‘muted’ throughout the service but will be able to all talk to each other at the end. Please unmute yourselves after the final blessing if you want to chat.
  • For best viewing select ‘Speaker View’ after clicking the ‘View’ icon in the top right-hand corner of your screen – this will allow you to see the slides or the priest speaking in a larger window

Benefice Service on Easter Day

Church at Home this coming Sunday 4th April 2021.

The readings are linked to HERE and the reflection will follow after the service, but here is the zoom link you will need to join us – looking forward to seeing you!

Sunday 4th April – Easter Day

Time: 9:30 AM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 937 9306 5350
Passcode: 066710

Some tips for joining the zoom:

  • You will be ‘muted’ throughout the service but will be able to all talk to each other at the end. Please unmute yourselves after the final blessing if you want to chat
  • For best viewing select ‘Speaker View’ after clicking the ‘View’ icon in the top right-hand corner of your screen – this will allow you to see the slides or the priest speaking in a larger window

Footprints: A Service of Remembrance for the Loss of a Child

Footprints is a special service of remembrance that we hold each year, during the week before the Mother’s Day weekend, for anyone who has lost a child during pregnancy or at any age or stage of life or who has been affected by such a loss, whether parent, grandparent, teacher, friend or family member. 

This year Footprints will take place on Zoom on Friday 5th March at 7.30pm. Footprints will offer space to remember our child or children and the opportunity to light a candle in their memory. There will be music, readings and prayers included as part of our time of remembering. 

If you would like more information about Footprints please contact Rev Sue Morton or 01491 639286

To receive a Zoom link please contact the Hambleden Valley Administrator Jenny Neagle