Back row (L-R)Darren Ungless (Chair), Cris Everett, Jez Lofts , Tony Eden
Front Row (L-R) Lisa Stibbs (Clerk) Ellie Hurrell
Recognize Your Councillors
Who does what?
Planning Committee: Cllr Ellie Hurrell
Village Hall Management: TBA Maintenance: Cllr Darren Ungless
Burial Ground Management: Contact the Clerk
War Memorial: Cllr Cris Everett
Allotment Management and Management of Open Spaces: Cllr Darren Ungless
Playground Management: Cllr Darren Ungless
Tree Management: TBC
Village Hall Landscaping Project: All Councillors.
How do I contact a Councillor?
Councillors can be contacted as follows:
CHAIRMAN: Cllr Darren Ungless – Email: T: 07545 312144
Cllr Keith Mathews – Email:
Cllr Eleanor Hurrell – Email:
Cllr Cris Everett – Email:
contact the Clerk: Lisa Stibbs: T: 07368 160670
(please note that the Clerk is a part time post)
Disclosable Interests (Click to open a new page)
Council Election Results
The results of the election held on May 6th 2021 are as follows:
Being less than the maximum of seven candidates, all the prospective candidates were elected unopposed.