Who’s who on your Parish Council

May be an image of 8 people, people standing, tree and outdoors

Back row (L-R)Darren Ungless (Chair), Cris Everett, Jez Lofts , Tony Eden

Front Row (L-R)    Lisa Stibbs (Clerk)   Ellie Hurrell

Recognize Your Councillors

Jez Lofts

Cllr Vacancy

Darren Ungless

Chairman Cllr Darren Ungless

Tony Eden

Cllr Keith Mathews

Eleanor Hurrell

Cllr Eleanor Hurrell

Grant Gie

Cllr Cris Everett

Who does what?

Planning Committee:      Cllr Ellie Hurrell

Village Hall Management: TBA    Maintenance: Cllr Darren Ungless

Burial Ground Management: Contact the Clerk

War Memorial: Cllr Cris Everett

Allotment Management and Management of Open Spaces: Cllr Darren Ungless

Playground Management: Cllr Darren Ungless

Tree Management: TBC

Village Hall Landscaping Project: All Councillors.

How do I contact a Councillor?

Councillors can be contacted as follows:

CHAIRMAN: Cllr Darren Ungless  – Email: darren@radnage.net  T: 07545 312144


Cllr Keith Mathews – Email: keith@radnage.net

Cllr Eleanor Hurrell – Email: ellie@radnage.net

Cllr Cris Everett – Email: cris@radnage.net

contact the Clerk: Lisa Stibbs: parish.clerk@radnage.net  T: 07368 160670
(please note that the Clerk is a part time post)

Disclosable Interests (Click to open a new page)

Council Election Results

The results of the election held on May 6th 2021 are as follows:

Being less than the maximum of seven candidates, all the prospective candidates were elected unopposed.